How Not to Raise an Addict

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Author: Mark Shaw


Biblical Prevention Strategies

A child becomes addicted by personal choice and is 100% responsible for the first decision to abuse an addictive substance. This booklet gives an overview of the five basic mentalities of “addictive” thinking: Entitlement, Consumer, Victim, Perishing and Rebellious Mentalities.  Commands and instructions based on scripture given in this booklet will help guide you in “How Not to Raise an Addict”. 

About the author:

Mark Shaw has over 20 years of counseling experience working in a variety of settings including faith-based residential programs, dealing with issues surrounding “addictions” of all types.  His experience in the biblical counseling field began in 2001. He has written several works including The Heart of Addiction; Relapse: Biblical Prevention Strategies; Divine Intervention: Hope and Help for Families of Addicts; Addiction-Proof Parenting; and Hope and Help for Self-Injurers/Cutters. He also co-authored a chapter in Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling.  


"This book is for serious parents who will invest time in training their children.  What could possibly be more important in this dangerous world?  I hope you will read this book - even better - do this book!"  ~Dr. Tedd Tripp, pastor, conference speaker, and author of Shepherding a Child's Heart