Encuentros de Poder (Power Encounters)

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Autor: David Powlison


Recobrando la Guerra Espiritual

En nuestra cultura crecientemente pagana, los cristianos están siendo sumergidos por una inundación de la Nueva Era, el ocultismo y una fascinación por los demonios. En este clima tan explosivo, los ministerios de liberación han hecho irrupción con éxitos de ventas y relatos sensacionalistas que muestran cómo todos podemos echar fuera demonios.


In our increasingly pagan culture, Christians are being submerged by a flood of New Age, the occult and fascinated by demons. In this climate so explosive, deliverance ministries have made bestsellers inrush and sensational stories that show how everyone can cast out demons.

David Powlison, M.Div., Ph.D. In addition to serving as CCEF's Executive Director, David is a faculty member at CCEF as well as the Senior Editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, as well as an M.Div. degree from Westminster Theological Seminary. David has been counseling for over thirty years. He has written numerous articles on biblical counseling and on the relationship between faith and psychology. His books include Speaking Truth in Love; Seeing with New Eyes; Power Encounters: Reclaiming Spiritual Warfare; Good and Angry; and The Biblical Counseling Movement: History and Context. David has taught across the United States and in Korea, India, Brazil, Europe, and Sri Lanka.