Hearing Jesus Speak into Your Sorrow

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Author: Nancy Guthrie

In this paradigm-shifting book, Nancy Guthrie gently invites readers to lean in along with her to hear Jesus speak understanding and insight into the lingering questions we all have about the hurts of life: What was God’s involvement in this, and why did he let it happen? Why hasn’t God answered my prayers for a miracle? Can I expect God to protect me? Does God even care? According to Nancy, this questioning is not a bad thing at all but instead an opportunity. It’s a chance to hear with fresh ears the truth in the promises of the gospel we may have misapplied. It lets us retune our souls to the purposes of God we may have misunderstood.


About the author:

Nancy Guthrie has a passion for sharing God’s Word through her growing Bible teaching ministry. She has worked in the Christian publishing industry for more than two decades and is the author of Holding On to Hope, The One Year Book of Hope, Hoping for Something Better, One Year of Dinner Table Devotions & Discussion Starters, and When Your Family’s Lost a Loved One (co-written with her husband). Nancy lives with her husband, David, and their son, Matt, in Nashville, Tennessee. 


"Nancy Guthrie writes with the realism and perspective of one who has been refined in the cauldron of life's tragedies. She does not offer up a panacea but the peace that comes from hearing Jesus speak into our sorrows." ~Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Manbroadcast

"Nancy's style is straightforward, raw, and yet full of faith. This is a book I'll refer to and recommend often to those struggling with unanswered questions about suffering." ~Kay Warren, executive director of the HIV/AIDS Initiative, Saddleback Church

"This is no theoretical treatise but a compelling book hammered out on the anvil of a mom's heart." ~Dennis Rainey, president of FamilyLife and host of FamilyLife Today

"The Word of God has the answers, and that is exactly where Nancy Guthrie, a woman acquainted with sorrow, takes us. If you will let Nancy take you by the hand, lead you where she has been, share with you truth that never changes, and cry, "Heal me, O Lord' (Jeremiah 17:14), you will find yourself hearing Jesus speak into your sorrow . . . and there you will find healing." ~Kay Arthur, co-CEO of Precept Ministries International