Pleasing People

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Author: Lou Priolo


How Not to Be an "Approval Junkie"

Do you worry what other people think of you? Do you avoid conflicts rather than trying to resolve them? Are you afraid to share the gospel because you fear being criticized or rejected?

When we long for the approval of men over the approval of God, we are not only neglecting God but also replacing him with a cheap substitute. Our pride drives us to value our reputation, fear rejection, and ultimately forfeit the peace of God that comes from standing up and suffering for the truth.

Join Lou Priolo in discovering more about the ruthless master of pride and how to break its yoke by clothing yourself with the humility of Jesus Christ. Learn the dangers of being a people-pleaser, when it is good to please people, and how to be a God-pleaser.

About the author:

Lou Priolo is the founder and president of Competent to Counsel International and is an instructor with Birmingham Theological Seminary. He has been a full-time biblical counselor since 1985 and is a fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Lou has been married to his wife, Kim, since 1987 and has two daughters, Sophia and Gabriella.


"It is exciting to see Pleasing People come to fruition. I have personally witnessed Lou Priolo's expertise in helping those enslaved to the popular lust of approval. From his years of counseling experience, he has developed a work that exposes many of its prideful manifestations, while also walking the reader through the biblical process of repentance from the heart. This is a book that God can use greatly to change lives."  ~Stuart Scott 

"Lou Priolo has written an extremely biblical and practical book to help the "people pleaser." Even if you think you do not have this weakness, you may be convicted that you do! The strength of this book are the biblical principles, the charts with wrong compared to right ways to think, and how to become a "God pleaser." I am very pleased to have this resource to help people and I highly endorse it."   ~Martha Peace Biblical Counselor and Author of "The Excellent Wife" and "Damsels in Distress"