Accepting God's Forgiveness

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Author: C. John Miller


Believing in God's Love for You

Do past failures still trouble you? Perhaps regret over a mistake, the betrayal of someone close to you, an undone task, an angry outburst has left you feeling uneasy. You wonder if God really does forgive you. Sometimes he seems like a dark cloud instead of a loving Father.

Jack Miller explains that these are symptoms of a troubled conscience. Don't try to ignore your conscience, instead, shift your focus to what Christ has done for you. Depending on Jesus will free you to accept God's forgiveness and fill you with his peace.

About the author:

C. John "Jack" Miller, PhD., founded World Harvest Mission (WHM) and the New Life Presbyterian network of churches. A pastor, seminary professor, and author, he wrote Outgrowing the Ingrown Church, Come Back Barbara, Powerful Evangelism for the Powerless, A Faith Worth Sharing, Repentance, and The Heart of the Servant Leader. He and his wife Rose Marie have five children and twenty-four grandchildren. Jack went to be with the Lord in 1996. WHM is a movement of people empowered by God's grace to plant churches around the world. For more information, visit