Christian Counselor's Manual (paperback)

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Author: Jay Adams


The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling.

The Christian Counselor's Manual is a companion and sequel volume to the author's influential Competent to Counsel. It takes the approach of nouthetic counseling introduced in the earlier volume and applies it to a wide range of issues, topics, and techniques in counseling:

- Who is qualified to be a counselor?
- How can counselees change?
- How does the Holy Spirit work?
- What role does hope play?
- What is the function of language?
- How do we ask the right questions?
- What often lies behind depression?
- How do we deal with anger?
- What is schizophrenia?

These and hundreds more questions are answered in this comprehensive resource for the Christian counselor. A full set of indexes, a detailed table of contents, and a full complement of diagrams and forms make this one of the best reference books currently available for Christian counselors.

About the author:

Jay Adams (1929-2020) was a noted author, speaker, pastor and professor; he served as a president of ACBC; was devoted to his wife, four children and ten grandchildren; A.B., Greek, Johns Hopkins University; B.D., Reformed Episcopal Seminary; S.T.M., Homiletics, Temple University School of Theology; post-graduate work at Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Missouri; Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Psychology, University of Illinois.