Facing Death With Hope

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Author: David Powlison 


Living for What Lasts

Is a life-threatening illness, a major life change, or just plain old age forcing you to face your own mortality? Probably, like most of us, you'd rather not think or talk about your own death. But ignoring your death won't stop it from happening--the mortality rate is still 100%!

David Powlison explains why you don't have to take this journey alone. Jesus faced death for you, and he promises to be with you as you pass through the valley of the shadow of death. This booklet is written to help you face death honestly and know Jesus intimately. Take a moment to read through it. It's a matter of life or death.

About the author:

David Powlison, M.Div., Ph.D. David was the Executive Director of CCEF before his death, a faculty member at CCEF and the Senior Editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling.  He wrote numerous articles and books on biblical counseling and on the relationship between faith and psychology.