Living Together

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Author: Ellen Dykas


Why Marriage Is the Best Choice

Past broken relationships, concerns about compatibility, and finances are just some of the reasons for the growing trend of couples living together without getting married. But marriage is not just a cultural institution by which people merge lives, bank accounts and homes, God is intimately involved in our relationships and his plan is for couples to express their love and oneness in their marriage relationship.

Ellen Dykas explains that marriage is about more than a husband and a wife. It’s a picture of the enduring relationship God has entered into with his people, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our commitment to each other mirrors God’s commitment to us. Marriage is hard work, but it is worth it, as glory to God and goodness in your life will come as you live out your faithfulness to God in your marriage. 

About the author:

Ellen Dykas, MA, Editor, is the Women’s Ministry Coordinator at Harvest USA and oversees their teaching and discipleship of women struggling with relational and sexual issues. A graduate of Covenant Seminary with a graduate certificate in Biblical Counseling, she has over twenty years of experience in teaching and mentoring others through the Bible. Harvest USA brings the truth and mercy of Jesus Christ to help men, women, and families affected by sexual struggles and sin and equip churches to minister to sexually broken people.