Your Special Needs Child

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Author: Stephan Viars


Help for Weary Parents

Never. It's a hard word for any parent to hear. He'll never walk. She'll never feed herself. Your lives will never be the same. While the prospect of raising a special needs child can be overwhelming, Jesus Christ makes himself constantly available to the weary and heavy laden.

Steve Viars helps parents of special needs children to be authentic before the Lord about their pain, guiding them in thinking biblically about their challenges and God's promises. Viars shows how accepting Christ's invitation leads parents into a unique adventure of sweet learning and divine rest.

About the author:

Steve Viars is the Senior Pastor of Faith Church (Lafayette, IN);  ACBC Fellow and board member; Biblical Counseling Coalition board member; Vision Of Hope board member; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; married with three children; B.S., Bible, Baptist Bible College (Clarks Summit, PA); M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary; D.Min., Biblical Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary.

He is the author of Putting Your Past in Its Place; Loving Your Community; Overcoming Bitterness; Do You Believe What God Says about You? as well as several other works.