Fibromyalgia: God's Grace for Chronic Pain Sufferers

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Author: Robert Smith

The pain is often excruciating. You feel hindered from being the person you want to be and from doing the activities you enjoy most. Adding to your struggle is the knowledge that your symptoms may never fully go away. How do you find encouragement in a situation that seems hopeless?

Robert Smith helps connect you to the God who sees your suffering and has compassion for you. By showing you Christ's response to pain in his life, as well as what his suffering has accomplished for us, he offers you hope and power to continue to grow daily in grace and faith.

About the author:

Dr. Robert Smith (1929-2021) was a physician; Association of Certified Biblical Counselor’s board member, fellow; and member of the ACBC Academy. Dr. Smith was a conference speaker and co-founder, instructor, and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries.  He authored The Christian Counselor’s Medical Desk Reference; Authority Issues; Fibromyalgia; Biblical Principles of Sex; Deacon Training Manual; and Life After Divorce as well as other works.