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Editors: D. A. Carson, Kathleen B. Nielson
Jesus in the Gospel of Luke
“But who do you say that I am?”
—Jesus (Luke 9:20)
In this collection of biblical expositions, eight prominent Bible teachers look to the Gospel of Luke and its unique portrait of our Savior, exploring everything from the nature of Jesus's divine sonship to his rejection by the religious and political rulers of his day. Chapters include:
- John Piper - Jesus the Son of God, the Son of Mary (Luke 1–2)
- Colin Smith - Jesus Despised (Luke 4:14-30)
- Crawford Loritts - Jesus's Transforming Power on Behalf of the Afflicted (Luke 8:26-56)
- D. A. Carson - Jesus's Resolve to Head toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:18-62)
- Kevin DeYoung - Jesus and the Lost (Luke 15:1-32)
- Stephen Um - Jesus and Money (Luke 16:1-15)
- Gary Millar - Jesus Betrayed and Crucified (Luke 22:3-23:49)
- Tim Keller - Jesus Vindicated (Luke 24:1-53)
This book will help you grasp the overarching message of the book of Luke: the blameless life, atoning death, and vindicating resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Table of Contents:
- Jesus the Son of God, the Son of Mary (Luke 1–2)
John Piper - Jesus Despised (Luke 4:14–30)
Colin Smith - Jesus’s Transforming Power on Behalf of the Afflicted (Luke 8:26–56)
Crawford Loritts - Jesus’s Resolve to Head toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:18–62)
D. A. Carson - Jesus and the Lost (Luke 15:1–32)
Kevin DeYoung - Jesus and Money (Luke 16:1–15)
Stephen Um - Jesus Betrayed and Crucified (Luke 22:39–23:49)
Gary Millar - Jesus Vindicated (Luke 24)
Tim Keller
Appendix: Did Jesus Preach the Gospel?
Conference Panel: D. A. Carson, Kevin DeYoung, Tim Keller, John Piper

About the editors:
D. A. Carson (PhD, Cambridge University) is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, where he has taught since 1978. He is president of the Gospel Coalition, and has written or edited nearly 60 books including Scandalous, Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor, and The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God. He and his wife, Joy, have two children and live in the north suburbs of Chicago.
Kathleen B. Nielson (PhD, Vanderbilt University) serves as the director of women’s initiatives at the Gospel Coalition. She a popular conference speaker and the author or editor of numerous books, including Ruth and Esther: A 12-Week Study, and co-editor (with D. A. Carson) of Here Is Our God and (with Gloria Furman) Word-Filled Women's Ministry. Kathleen and her husband, Niel, have three grown sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law, and a growing number of grandchildren.