Love Only God Could Inspire

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Speakers: Brent Aucoin, Steve Viars, Rob Green


God has a surprising love for his people that was personified and demonstrated in the love that Hosea had for Gomer.  With Hosea and Gomer, God orchestrated a marriage that was going to be built on unfaithfulness and heartache. God did that, so that his people would see the depth of his covenant loyalty. So they would see the depth of his covenant love for them.  In this series taking us through the book of Hosea, we hope that praise and devotion for a God who would love like this will be stirred up.  

Hosea 14:9 says, “Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the LORD are right, and the righteous will walk in them, but transgressors will stumble in them.”  That's a reminder to us is that we have to pay attention to this.  This book is for us.

Sessions include:

  • God's Surprising Love
  • God's Restoring Love
  • God's Just Love
  • God's Disciplining Love
  • God's Yearning Love

The zipped file has 5 audio MP3s and PDF student outlines.  You may listen to the first 10 minutes of session one by clicking on the "Preview Excerpt" button above.

About the speakers:

Brent Aucoin is the Pastor of Education Ministries at Faith Church (Lafayette, IN); ACBC certified; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; married with two children; B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Oklahoma State University; M.S., Engineering, Purdue University; M.Div., Central Seminary; Th.M., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D. Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA).

Steve Viars is the Senior Pastor of Faith Church (Lafayette, IN);  ACBC Fellow and board member; Biblical Counseling Coalition board member; Vision Of Hope board member; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; married with three children; B.S., Bible, Baptist Bible College (Clarks Summit, PA); M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary; D.Min., Biblical Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary.

He is the author of Putting Your Past in Its Place; Loving Your Community; Overcoming Bitterness; Do You Believe What God Says about You? as well as several other works.

Rob Green  is the Pastor of Counseling and Seminary Ministries at Faith Church (Lafayette, IN); ACBC certified; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; B.S., Engineering Physics, The Ohio State University; M.Div., Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA); Ph.D., Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA).

He is the author of Tying the Knot; Can We Talk; Not Tonight, Honey; Reuniting After Military Deployment; Leaving Your Family Behind; A Father's Guide to Raising Boys; a coauthor of The Gospel for Disordered Lives as well as other works.

He and his wife Stephanie have three children.  Together they authored Tying Their Shoes: A Christ Centered Approach to Preparing for Parenting.