Speaker: Heath Lambert

This is a session from the Biblical Counseling Training Conference hosted by Faith Church in Lafayette, Indiana.
People are looking for the hope that there are answers for their hurts, their difficulties, and the challenges they face. Since 1985, the Biblical Counseling Training Conference has been equipping ministry professionals and lay leaders to skillfully, confidently, and lovingly minister God's Word to those looking for answers.
You may listen to the first 10 minutes of this session by clicking on the "Preview Excerpt" button above.
For more information about the conference go to www.faithlafayette.org/bctc.
About the speaker:
Dr. Heath Lambert is the Executive Director of The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. He is the author of The Biblical Counseling Movement After Adams (Crossway, 2011), the co-editor (with Stuart Scott) of Counseling the Hard Cases: True Stories Illustrating the Sufficiency of God’s Resources in Scripture (Broadman and Holman, 2012), and has written Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace (Zondervan, 2013). Dr. Lambert is on the editorial board of The Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and The Journal of Family Ministry, and is a council member of The Biblical Counseling Coalition. He is married to Lauren, and is the father of Carson, Chloe, and Connor.