Communication and Conflict Resolution

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Author: Stuart Scott


A Biblical Perspective

Handling communication and conflict resolution are two major hurdles in a marriage. Doing so biblically must be the mutual resolve of every husband and wife. Unless you truly desire to honor God in this aspect of your marriage, the relationship will never be what it could be.

Communicating and resolving conflicts in a God-honoring way involves having a heart that is humble and wants to please God, some good listening skills, and a willingness to die to self. Conflict is a grievous thing to God. He wants His children to have no part in it. Within these pages you will find biblical ways to resolve conflict and communicate effectively.

This booklet is excerpted from The Exemplary Husband.

About the author:

Stuart Scott (MDiv, Grace Theological Seminary; DMin, Covenant Theological Seminary) is a fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, the director of biblical counseling at Bob Jones University and Seminary, and an author and speaker. Previously he was a professor of biblical counseling at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.