Recovering the Lost Art of Contentment
The biblical practice of contentment can seem like a lost art—something reserved for spiritual giants but out of reach for the rest of us. In our discontented age—characterized by impatience, overspending, grumbling, and unhappiness—it’s hard to imagine what true contentment actually looks (and feels) like. But even the apostle Paul said that he learned to be content in any and every circumstance. Paul’s remarkable contentment was something grown and developed over time.
In Chasing Contentment, Erik Raymond helps us understand what biblical contentment is—the inward gracious spirit that joyfully rests in God’s providence—and then how we learn it. Giving us practical guidance for growing in contentment in various areas of our lives, this book will encourage us to see contentment as a priority for all believers. By God’s grace, it is possible to pursue the high calling of contentment and anchor our joy in God himself rather than our changing circumstances.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: Defining Contentment
- Understanding Contentment
- The God Who Is Content
Part 2: Learning Contentment
- Better Than I Deserve
- Left, Right, Left
- See Through the Shiny Wrappers
- Just Say No!
- Be Still and Know
- Be a Faithful Bride
- You Are Not Yet Home
General Index
Scripture Index
Erik Raymond is the preaching pastor at Emmaus Bible Church in Omaha, Nebraska. He is a frequent contributor to many websites and periodicals, and blogs regularly at Ordinary Pastor, hosted by the Gospel Coalition.
“Just about every day, I wake up and read Erik Raymond’s insights on pastoral ministry, discipleship, and everyday living as a Christian. He always challenges me to love Jesus as I trust in the sufficiency of his work on the cross. As someone who struggles with contentment, I need his wise counsel to walk with Christ in freedom and joy.” ~Collin Hansen, Editorial Director, The Gospel Coalition; author, Blind Spots
“Contentment may not be as elusive as we think it is. Erik Raymond’s enthusiasm in explaining the biblical text regarding contentment really shines in this book. Whether you’ve been wearied by trying to squeeze contentment out of the world or you’re happy right where you are, Chasing Contentment will refresh your perspective as you marvel at the sovereign joy of Jesus.” ~Gloria Furman, author, The Pastor's Wife; Missional Motherhood; and Alive in Him
“Erik Raymond is one of my favorite writers. Discontentment is one of my deepest struggles. What a joy, then, to have this author speak wisely, biblically, and pastorally about the value, the importance, and the pursuit of contentment. If you struggle as I do, you’ll find help and hope in the pages of this book and, ultimately, in the Book of books it points to.” ~Tim Challies, blogger,