Speakers: Steve Viars, Rob Green, Sacha Mendes

We certainly live in a culture that talks a lot about love, huh? Certainly in our music, in our movies, and in all forms of entertainment, it's amazing how many people are talking about love. But what the world often means or at least offers is something that is self-serving or fickle or manipulative or shallow. If we don't counteract that at some point with teaching from the word of God, it's quite possible, at least for some, that we could see through a worldly grid of love and come out with something that is far different than what the word of God would teach. The beauty is, in places like John 13-17, Jesus invites us to be a fly on the wall as he teaches on love and what we can learn in this discourse can dramatically impact the way that we love others.
Sessions include:
- The Position of Love
- The Loyalty of Love
- The New Standard of Love
- The Preparation of Love
- The Provision of Love
- The Source of Love
- The Challenges of Love
- The Joy of Love
- The Rescue of Love
The zipped file has 9 audio MP3s and PDF student outlines. You may listen to the first 10 minutes of session one by clicking on the "Preview Excerpt" button above.
About the speakers:
Steve Viars is the Senior Pastor of Faith Church (Lafayette, IN); ACBC Fellow and board member; Biblical Counseling Coalition board member; Vision Of Hope board member; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; married with three children; B.S., Bible, Baptist Bible College (Clarks Summit, PA); M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary; D.Min., Biblical Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary.
He is the author of Putting Your Past in Its Place; Loving Your Community; Overcoming Bitterness; Do You Believe What God Says about You? as well as several other works.
Rob Green is the Pastor of Counseling and Seminary Ministries at Faith Church (Lafayette, IN); ACBC certified; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; B.S., Engineering Physics, The Ohio State University; M.Div., Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA); Ph.D., Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA).
He is the author of Tying the Knot; Can We Talk; Not Tonight, Honey; Reuniting After Military Deployment; Leaving Your Family Behind; A Father's Guide to Raising Boys; a coauthor of The Gospel for Disordered Lives as well as other works.
He and his wife Stephanie have three children. Together they authored Tying Their Shoes: A Christ Centered Approach to Preparing for Parenting.
Sacha Mendes graduated from the University of Sao Paulo with a degree in Economics. He has received training in theology from Word of Life Bible Seminary (Brazil), a Master’s degree in Biblical Counseling from The Master’s University, a Master of Divinity from Faith Bible Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Sacha currently serves as a senior pastor at Maranatha Baptist Church in Sao Jose dos Campos and is one of the leaders of the Brazilian Association of Biblical Counselors.