Hope & Help for Chronic Illness

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Authors: Mark Shaw with Allison Griffin

Periods of extreme physical pain and mental fatigue can plague any one of us. From the medical perspective, chronic illness is defined as “an illness that lasts three months or more” but practical help and eternal hope is available for those who are physically suffering.

Find out the wrong and right responses to dealing with chronic illness. Be encouraged to reach out for help from the beautiful blessing of the body of Christ. God made each of us dependent upon Him and His body, the local church.

The only hope―a sure hope according to God’s promise―is that in the next life you are provided with a resurrected, glorified body to house your eternal soul and given a new place created by God without sin, sickness, illness, or death. That awesome place is a reality that Christians call heaven and eventually, home.

About the author:

With 26 years of supervisory experience in a variety of clinical settings, Mark Shaw teaches the truth and hope found in God's Word about addictions of all types, eating disorders, self-harm habits, and other enslaving issues. Author of 20 publications, many Christian readers appreciate his down to earth writing and speaking style of communicating biblical truths. He is a graduate from Birmingham Theological Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling while also maintaining certifications with three different counseling organizations: ACBC, IABC, and AADAA.