Various Forms of Counselor Pride and Their Remedies

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Author: John Henderson


From the coup of Satan in heaven to the rebellion of Adam and Eve in the Garden, from Cain’s murder of Abel through every other sin recorded in Scripture right up to the final assault against Jesus Christ in Revelation 20, there runs a basic thread of pride. We should not be surprised if pride bubbles over in our hearts as we minister to others. Pride can take many forms. We need the numerous means of humility. It helps to dig into particulars. A general knowledge of our enemies is not as valuable as specific knowledge. General repentance is not quite as transforming as specific repentance. In this session, John Henderson considers the various forms of pride we experience and exude as ministers of God’s Word, which will help us consider the various remedies the Lord has assigned.

This is a session from the Biblical Counseling Training Conference hosted by Faith Church in Lafayette, Indiana. 

People are looking for the hope that there are answers for their hurts, their difficulties, and the challenges they face. Since 1985, the Biblical Counseling Training Conference has been equipping ministry professionals and lay leaders to skillfully, confidently, and lovingly minister God's Word to those looking for answers.

You may listen to the first 10 minutes of this session by clicking on the "Preview Excerpt" button above.

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If you are interested in purchasing an audio CD of this session, please contact Faith Resources at 765-449-3700.

About the speaker: 

John Henderson serves as the Associate Pastor of Counseling and Family Ministry at University Baptist Church in Fayetteville, AR. Growing up in a missionary family, John heard the proclamation of the gospel at a young age and, by God’s grace, came to trust in Jesus Christ. While working on an undergraduate degree in psychology from Texas A&M University and graduate degrees from the University of North Texas in Counseling Psychology, the Lord brought John to renewed trust and growth. Prior to his current position at UBC, he served as Associate Pastor at Del Ray Baptist Church in Virginia and counseling pastor at Denton Bible Church for 14 years. During those years he ministered to families, led yearly biblical counseling training for the congregation, and helped supervise counselors in a local counseling center. He also serves as an associate professor of counseling at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. John and his wife Ruth were married in 2000 and have been blessed with five children: Gabe, Faith, Judah, Ellie, and Nate.