Author: Stan & Brenna Jones
God's Design for Sex
Ages 3-5
It's never too early to begin giving your child a practical understanding of his or her unique, beautiful body--and why God designed it to be exactly the way it is.
The Story of Me is the first book in the series God's Design for Sex, written to be read to your preschool children. With candid, age-appropriate language and realistic illustrations, The Story of Me explains:
- God's love and the goodness of all He has made
- The nurturing family as God's context for love
- Why God wants each baby to have both a mommy and a daddy
- The specialness of being made a boy or a girl
- Proper names for private body parts
Other books in this series include:
- Before I Was Born (ages 5-8)
- What's the Big Deal? (ages 8-11)

About the authors:
Stan Jones, PHD, provost and professor of psychology at Wheaton College, is a nationally recognized Christian expert on sexuality. He has written books on psychology and Christianity and on homosexuality and has contributed numerous articles to such professional journals as American Psychologist.
Brenna Jones has graduate training in biblical and theological studies and leads an active ministry of discipleship and support for women. Stan and Brenna have three adult children.