What's the Big Deal? (revised and updated)

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Authors: Stan and Brenna Jones


Why God Cares about Sex

Your kids know about sex. But what they’ve gathered from TV, other kids, or the internet doesn’t tell them everything or answer all of their questions. What’s the Big Deal? was written to help parents provide the answers to their 8-to-12-year-olds. This book explains the basic facts about sex and related issues such as:

  • Why God made adults so that they want to have sex
  • What God actually says in the Bible about sex and why it’s designed for marriage
  • The amazing changes ahead of you during puberty
  • How to respond when you feel sexual pressure from friends, TV shows, movies, and magazines

Your kids can read this book with you so you can discuss it together. This provides them the safe space to ask hard questions they might find embarrassing. The book will help kids understand what a beautiful and exciting gift from God sexuality is meant to be.

Now revised and updated with:

  • Separate chapters on puberty for boys and girls
  • A chapter on the dangers of pornography
  • An expanded age range (formerly 8 to 11, now 8 to 12)

Other books in this series include:

  • Before I Was Born (ages 5-8)
  • The Story of Me (ages 3-5)


About the authors:

Stan Jones, PHD, provost and professor of psychology at Wheaton College, is a nationally recognized Christian expert on sexuality. He has written books on psychology and Christianity and on homosexuality and has contributed numerous articles to such professional journals as American Psychologist.

Brenna Jones has graduate training in biblical and theological studies and leads an active ministry of discipleship and support for women. Stan and Brenna have three adult children.