Author: John Kruis
A topical reference guide for the use of the Scriptures in counseling.
Healing words from God's Word--right at your fingertips
Everyone encounters personal problems, big and small, and Christians are not immune. From adultery to worry and anger to persecution, every affliction common to humankind affects us at one time or another.
This classic reference is an essential tool for Christian counselors, pastors, and laypeople who desire to be equipped to help others cope and grow through their trials. Arranged topically for easy access to the Scriptures that speak to the heart of each issue, this book covers a wide range of subjects, including
· anxiety
· children
· contentment
· divorce
· forgiving others
· husband/wife relationships
· overcoming sin
· prayer
· self-control
· temptation
· waiting on the Lord
· work
With pertinent Bible passages at the ready, you will always have just the right words to say--right when they are most needed.

About the author:
John G. Kruis was a pastor and the founder of the Biblical Counseling Center in Jenison, Michigan.