Christian Liberty MP3 Series

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Author: Steve Viars

A 12 part series on Christian liberty.

Topics include:

- Christian Liberty - Part 1

- Christian Liberty - Part 2

- Christian Liberty - Part 3 - How to Treat God's Servants Financially

- Christian Liberty - Part 4 - Using Our Liberty God's Way

- Christian Liberty - Part 5 - Enslaving Our Liberty

- Christian Liberty - Part 6 - Avoiding Aimless Living

- Christian Liberty - Part 7 - Don't Be Overconfident

- Christian Liberty - Part 8 - Getting at the Heart of Christian Liberty*

- Christian Liberty - Part 9 - A Heart that Has the Right Hope

- Christian Liberty - Part 10 - Liberty and Fellowship

- Christian Liberty - Part 11 - Paul's Summary of Christian Liberty

- Christian Liberty - Part 12 -Reviewing Christian Liberty

*This session has been included at no charge because the entire session was not recorded. A PDF file of the student outlines comes with the downloads.  The missing portion of "Christian Liberty - Part 8 - Getting at the Heart of Christian Liberty" is filled in in the notes.

You may listen to the first 10 minutes of "Christian Liberty - Part 1" by clicking on the "Preview Excerpt" button below.


About the speaker: 

Steve Viars is the Senior Pastor of Faith Church (Lafayette, IN);  ACBC Fellow and board member; Biblical Counseling Coalition board member; Vision Of Hope board member; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; married with three children; B.S., Bible, Baptist Bible College (Clarks Summit, PA); M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary; D.Min., Biblical Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary.

He is the author of Putting Your Past in Its Place; Loving Your Community; Overcoming Bitterness; Do You Believe What God Says about You? as well as several other works.