Homework Manual for Biblical Living: Volume 1

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Author: Wayne Mack


Personal And Interpersonal Problems.

Counselors needing specific assignments to give counselees, or individuals seeking practical helps for their own struggles will welcome Wayne Mack's homework manuals. 

This first volume deals with personal and interpersonal problems in over thirty categories such as anger, blameshifting, communication, dating, finances, obesity, pride, sexual problems, sleep, suffering, thought patterns, and work. Dr. Mack presents a wealth of scriptural information for solving problems in each area covered.

Specific assignments for counselors to assign clients, or for counselors to work through to gain insight. Topics include:

  • anger, 
  • blame-shifting, 
  • dating, 
  • obesity, 
  • pride, 
  • sex, 
  • sleep, 
  • work, 

and many others.

About the author:

Wayne Mack is Director of Strengthening Ministries International and currently residing and teaching in South Africa.  Through Strengthening Ministries International, he seeks to strengthen churches and Christians by developing and distributing biblically based practical books, audio and video tapes on counseling, theological and Christian living subjects.  Dr. Mack is a noted author, speaker, and instructor; ACBC Fellow; pastor; married with four children and 13 grandchildren; B.A., Wheaton College; M.Div., Philadelphia Seminary; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary.

He has written more than 20 books including Strengthening Your Marriage; Your Family God’s Way; Preparing for Marriage God’s Way; Sweethearts for A Lifetime; Homework Manual for Biblical Living, Volumes 1 and 2 and 3; and Maximum Impact: Living and Loving For God’s Glory.