Sweethearts for a Lifetime

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Authors: Wayne & Carol Mack


Making the Most of Your Marriage

A biblical, practical look at how couples can restore warmth and vitality to their marriages. Written for both newlyweds and those who have been married for years.

About the authors:

Wayne Mack is Director of Strengthening Ministries International.  He and Carol are currently residing and teaching in South Africa. Through Strengthening Ministries International, Wayne seeks to strengthen churches and Christians by developing and distributing biblically based practical books, audio and video tapes on counseling, theological and Christian living subjects. Dr. Mack is a noted author, speaker, and instructor; ACBC Fellow; and pastor.  Wayne and Carol have four children and 13 grandchildren; B.A., Wheaton College; M.Div., Philadelphia Seminary; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary.

Wayne has written more than 20 books including Strengthening Your Marriage; Your Family God’s Way; Preparing for Marriage God’s Way; Sweethearts for A Lifetime; Homework Manual for Biblical Living, Volumes 1 and 2 and 3; and Maximum Impact: Living and Loving For God’s Glory.


It's always with confidence and joy that I recommend Dr. Mack's books. He is so thorough and so thoroughly biblical. When you read them you know that you've just spent valuable time with our Lord and His powerful word. ~Elyse Fitzpatrick, author, women's conference speaker, counselor at Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship

"In whatever state you see your own marriage, I am confident you will find here the principles and practices you've searched for as you seek to reflect Jesus Christ's relationship to His bride--the church."  ~Lance Quinn, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors

"Sweethearts for a Lifetimeroots marriage in Christ and the gospel, and in separate sections devoted to men and women it identifies the callings God has clearly given them in Scripture. This book bears reading and rereading by couples together!"  ~Tedd Tripp, Pastor, author, conference speaker

"Christian marriages are meant to get better over time. It is for want of knowing and applying the truths Wayne Mack has spelled out so well in this book that many marriages do not." ~Martin Holdt, Pastor, Constantia Park Baptist Church