Reuniting after Military Deployment

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Author: Rob Green


Help for the Transition

Your excitement at the prospect of reunion is tempered with anxiety. You have heard the stories of divorce, discouragement, and depression. Will your account be any different?

Rob Green assures you that successful reunification is possible because of the help found in Jesus Christ. Green offers practical advice for seeking to understand your spouse's struggles, reevaluating schedules and responsibilities, and using your new family time with purpose. By taking steps to intentionally transition out of "deployment mode" and back into the unity God has given you as husband and wife, you can rebuild a family that is stronger than ever.

About the author:

Rob Green is the Pastor of Counseling and Seminary Ministries at Faith Church (Lafayette, IN); ACBC certified; instructor and counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; B.S., Engineering Physics, The Ohio State University; M.Div., Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA); Ph.D., Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA).

He is the author of Tying the Knot; Can We Talk; Not Tonight, Honey; Reuniting After Military Deployment; Leaving Your Family Behind; A Father's Guide to Raising Boys; a coauthor of The Gospel for Disordered Lives as well as other works.

He and his wife Stephanie have three children.  Together they authored Tying Their Shoes: A Christ Centered Approach to Preparing for Parenting.