Idols of a Mother's Heart

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Author: Christina Fox

Even good things can become idols if we give them central importance in our lives. Having children changes everything, and as mothers, we risk looking for life, purpose and meaning in motherhood. While being a mother brings its unique set of challenges, these years of raising children and helping them grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord provide an opportunity to grow in our own Christlikeness as well.

Writing from her own personal experience as a mom, Christina Fox encourages mothers to prayerfully and thoughtfully examine their own hearts, and to let God use motherhood as a means of sanctification.

Split into three sections, the first chapter looks at the meaning motherhood; chapters 2–4 are about idolatry; chapters 5–9 focus on a few different idols that mothers might worship (not an exhaustive list, but a common few); and the final chapters are about facing idols, dethroning them, and turning our heart back to the One true God.

Table of Contents:

Part I

1. The Sanctifying Work of Motherhood

2. Made for Worship

3. What is Idolatry?

4. Identifying Idols in Our Lives

Part II

5. The Idol of Children

6. The Idol of Achievement and Success

7. The Idol of Comfort

8. The Idol of Control

9. The Idol of Approval

Part III

10. Turning from Our Idols

11. Turning to Christ


About the author:

Christina Fox is a blogger at where she chronicles her faith journey. She writes for a number of Christian ministries and publications including Desiring God and The Gospel Coalition. She lives with her husband and two sons.


This book will not only make you a better mother, it will make you a better worshiper. I heartily commend Christina’s book to Christian mothers everywhere.  ~David Murray, Professor of Old Testament & Practical Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Idolatry can be subtle or flagrant but either way what we need is heart surgery. Idols of a Mother’s Heart brings the gentle scalpel of the gospel to the divided hearts of women. Every page is Scripture saturated and theologically robust.  ~Karen Hodge, PCA Coordinator of Women’s Ministry; Author of Transformed: Life–taker to Life–giver

With gentle precision, Fox exposes the lesser gods that take up residence in our hearts. And, with wisdom born of personal experience, she helps readers tear them down—so that Christ might have his rightful place. Mothers, if you want to learn to hate sin and love Christ, this book is for you.  ~Megan Hill, Author Praying Together; Contributor to The Gospel Coalition, Today in the Word, and CT Women; Editorial Board Member, Christianity Today magazine; pastor's wife; writer and speaker

Christina Fox’s heart is on every page as she longs for moms to have a right view of how God sees them. With the gentle nudge of a friend, Christina encourages women to enter into mothering from the only safe place—rest and fullness in Christ.  ~Holly Mackle, Author of ‘Same Here, Sisterfriend: Mostly True Tales of Misadventure in Motherhood’ and ‘Little Hearts, Prepare Him Room

With penetrating questions, humble honesty, and gospel freedom on every page, this book will not only stretch and challenge a mother, but point her to the joy and satisfaction found in her Savior alone.  ~Laura Wifler, Co–Founder of Risen Motherhood

This book is a great resource for mothers who are eager to fulfill their calling to the glorify and enjoy God.  ~Dr. Stephen Estock, Coordinator, PCA Discipleship Ministries

… a wealth of wisdom and theological understanding. She exposes the idols we often battle in motherhood—control, comfort, achievement, and approval—and helps diagnose the problem in our own hearts. Most importantly, Christina points to the grace of God by encouraging mothers to turn from idolatry and find life in Christ alone.  ~Melissa B. Kruger, Conference speaker, Women's Ministry Coordinator, Uptown Church, Charlotte, North Carolina