Marry Wisely, Marry Well

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Author: Ernie Baker


A Blueprint for Personal Preparation

Does marriage matter anymore? If so, is it even possible to have a stable marriage? How do you choose the right one? Is there anything to work on now, even before being in a relationship?

Marry Wisely, Marry Well teaches you how to start building your future marriage house even before you begin a relationship. Learn to make a wise choice of a spouse, and how to start preparing yourself for a future relationship that is truly built on Christ.

About the author:

Ernie Baker (M.Div., D.Min.) is Professor of Biblical Counseling at The Master’s College and Seminary in Southern California. He served as a pastor for 25 years, is a certified conciliator with The Institute for Christian Conciliation, and is a Fellow with The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). Ernie and his wife Rose have six children and many grandchildren. Along with discipling his own children to make a wise choice of a spouse and to be ready for marriage, Ernie has had extensive involvement in premarital and relationship counseling with hundreds of individuals and couples.


…a wonderful distillation of biblical principles … a superbly practical, biblically-based handbook for young people and students who are seeking the wisdom of God’s Word in order to make sure their expectations, their affections, and their hearts are right before God as they contemplate the most important and far-reaching human relationship they will ever enter into.  ~John MacArthur, Pastor-Teacher, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA

The choice of whom we marry is incredibly important. This is true for all people, but it is especially true for a Christian. In Marry Wisely, Marry Well, my friend Ernie Baker provides solid biblical counsel that will help singles do what the title suggests. I recommend it highly and encourage people contemplating marriage to purchase it and follow its guidelines as they consider one of the most important decisions they will ever make.  ~Dr. Wayne Mack, Director and Professor of Biblical Counseling at Strengthening Ministries Training Institute and Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Academy member

I don’t know of another dating book that is so rigorously biblical in its approach to dating. If you want to adopt gorilla-dating tactics as you sort through the dangers of the jungle we call Christian dating, go anywhere else. But if you want to think wisely and be Christ-centered in your approach to dating, Marry Wisely, Marry Well is an invaluable resource for singles who genuinely want to honor God in their pursuit of a spouse.  ~Deepak Reju, Pastor of Biblical Counseling and Family Ministry, President, The Biblical Counseling Coalition, Capitol Hill Baptist Church (Washington, DC); Author of On Guard and The Pastor and Counseling

Marry Wisely, Marry Well is just the kind of book the Christian community has been needing to help young people understand dating, romance and choosing a spouse from a biblical world view. Dr. Baker has a wonderful way of bringing wisdom to light… Not only would I recommend this to anyone young person considering dating or courtship, I would recommend it to parents of high school and college students everywhere.  ~Garrett Higbee, Ph.D, Pastor of Soul Care, Harvest Bible Chapel Network; Executive Director, the Biblical Counseling Coalition

Many people are unrealistic or disillusioned about marriage. We desperately need God’s wisdom to marry well. In this informative book, Baker carefully explains God’s wonderful design for marriage and presents concise answers on dating and marriage issues. Both single and married people will find counter-cultural wisdom that is rooted in Scripture. I look forward to recommending this book to my students.  ~Lilly Park, Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling, Crossroads Bible College

I would encourage you to read this resource and then hand it out to anyone who is interested in preparing for marriage. The more young folks who get their minds around the concepts presented in this book, the stronger Christian marriages will be in the days ahead.  ~Nick Lees, Pastor of College Ministries, Faith Church, Lafayette IN; ACBC certified counselor

This is a must-read book for every high school and college-age single. Parents—buy it as a graduation gift. Singles—buy it for yourself and learn how to build a wise, biblical foundation in your own life and heart in order to prepare yourself for your future spouse.  ~Bob Kellemen, Ph.D., Author of Gospel-Centered Counseling

Are you seeking to understand God’s design for marriage and how to prepare yourself for this lifelong commitment? Dr. Ernie Baker has created a magnificent resource for anyone considering marriage.Marry Wisely, Marry Well emphasizes Biblical principles leading to practical application and providing a strong framework for a Christlike marriage. Those who are single, in a relationship, or engaged will find this book extremely beneficial in building a solid foundation, making wise decisions and preparing for a healthy and God honoring marriage.  ~Ted & Ticiana Gordillo (CRU Missionaries)

It’s a rarity to find a book on how to wisely prepare for marriage. This is why I am thrilled to recommend this excellent new resource. Biblically faithful and eminently applicable, Ernie does an excellent job at bringing together his pastor’s heart for young couples and his years of experience in counseling them. I’ve had the opportunity to learn and grow under Dr. Baker’s faithful teaching, and now you can as well! This book belongs on the shelf of pastors, counselors and lay people alike.  ~Jonathan Holmes, Counseling Pastor, Parkside Church, author of The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship

There seem to be endless popular opinions about dating and relationships today. Ernie Baker helps the reader through exegetical insights and years of experience to establish biblical wisdom as the true guide for relationships that lead to marriage. Anyone who desires to have this kind of relationship should read this book.  ~Joe Keller, D.Min, Vice President of Student Life, The Master’s College

Not all pre-marriage advice is created equal! If you are single desiring to be married or engaged, this book helps you prepare yourself personally and together for marriage through rich biblical wisdom. Ernie writes in a conversational style as a father, pastor, counselor, and seminary professor who regularly helps people just like you prepare for a joy-filled, stable home. Ernie’s tone, depth of biblical knowledge, and pastoral style lead you into better understanding and practice as you seek to honor God in your future marriage. I highly recommend this book as a must-read for anyone preparing for marriage, especially those who have not started dating yet.  ~Kevin Carson, D.Min., Pastor, Sonrise Baptist Church, Ozark, MO, and Professor, Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary, Springfield, MO

There is finally a reliable guide for making such a critical decision in this book by Dr. Ernie Baker. I find it to be refreshingly faithful to the Word of God and intensely practical. I know this book is the fruit of many years of faithful counseling. It is full of time-tested, eternal wisdom because it comes from a pastor’s heart that desires to see divine truths practiced. If you are considering marriage, before you make any serious commitment, you must read this book! It will potentially change your life!  ~Dr. John Street, Chairman of the Graduate Program in Biblical Counseling, The Master’s College; President of ACBC

If I were preparing for marriage today, I would want Ernie Baker’s wisdom about how to do it. I am so thankful that he has shared his wisdom with the church in this book, which I am thrilled to commend.  ~Dr. Heath Lambert, Executive Director of The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors; Executive Pastor of Discipleship and Community Life of First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida

No other time in human history has demanded a careful and knowledgeable study of marriage than the present. The biblical view of marriage is under massive scrutiny and ridicule. Marry Wisely, Marry Well restores our confidence in the Bible and the institution of marriage. Anyone considering marriage who reads this book will not enter marriage unadvised and unprepared.  ~Dr. Rod Mays, Former National Coordinator, Reformed University Fellowship; Adjunct Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary

Commentators from all sorts of places are alarmed at the hookup culture among our youth. They largely agree on at least one thing about the present relational landscape: it’s ugly out there. But in this book we get a portrait capturing the beauty of wisdom. Don’t expect a rulebook here. Rulebooks can’t change a young person’s vision to discern true from false beauty. A portrait, rather, invites you to gaze upon what is good and want it for yourself. Come, gaze at Jesus Christ as the wisdom of God, who promises to help his followers to walk safely in any relational landscape.  ~Jeremy Pierre, Ph.D., Dean of Students, Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Ernie is a wise man, and he has written a book that is filled with wisdom. It is for those who are thinking about marriage, though it can function as a fine guide for those who are married too. If you know someone in your family or church who is thinking about marriage, this is the perfect gift.  ~Ed Welch, PhD, Faculty and Counselor, CCEF

It was with a deep sense of joy, out of love for the students I work with, that I sifted my way through the solidly biblical, deeply hopeful words of Marry Wisely, Marry Well. Baker’s work in this book is comprehensive, understandable, applicable, and full of grace and truth. I would recommend it to any young person, or even any older person for that matter, who is considering marriage in the near or far future.  ~Ben Moody, Campus Minister, Christian Student Fellowship, Indiana University