She's Got the Wrong Guy

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Author: Deepak Reju

While the reasons why women choose men that only let them down are complicated and varied, there’s no doubt women are settling for less than what God intends for their romantic relationships.

She’s Got the Wrong Guy is a different kind of dating book, and explores ten types of men Christian women shouldn’t marry, rather than those they should. Written by Deepak Raju, an experienced pastor and counselor, the author gives readers clear and biblical direction on why these men make poor spouses and how women can have positive, life-giving relationships with members of the opposite sex.

“This is not your typical, generic dating book,” says Reju. “I detail 10 profiles—the control freak, the angryman, the lazy guy, the unteachable guy, the promiscuous man, the unbeliever, the lone ranger, the unchurched guy, the new convert, and the commitmentphobe. For most women, this is unfortunately a very familiar list. One young lady heard me talk about this book and said afterwards, ‘I think I’ve dated everyone of these guys!’”

Reju also shares with women his perspective on how to assess a relationship’s strengths from the beginning, how to identify possible pitfalls, and how to have the courage to wait for a relationship that will be a blessing for both parties. She’s Got the Wrong Guy includes stories that single women can relate to while highlighting contemporary issues that they face in the modern world of dating.

With a strong Christ-centered focus throughout, readers of She’s Got the Wrong Guy will not only better understand why they “settle” for less, they will also learn to ultimately put their hopes and find their happiness in Jesus, not marriage.


About the author:

Deepak Reju serves as the Senior Pastor of Ogletown Baptist Church in Delaware. He serves on the board of directors of the Biblical Counseling Coalition and also as a trustee for the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation.  A George Washington University graduate, he also holds the MDiv and PhD degrees from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Deepak and his wife, Sarah, have five children.


“As a biblical counselor and a woman who didn’t marry until age forty-two, I’ve seen many of my beloved single friends make choices regarding dating and marriage they later came to regret. It’s my hope that the heartache experienced by many single women will be averted because of the wisdom Deepak offers in this book. Whether you’re a single woman or not, you’ll find this book is for you—because it’s all about being grounded in Christ.”  ~Amy Baker, Ministry Resource Director, Faith Church; Counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries; author of Picture Perfect and Getting to the Heart of Friendships

“Deepak has written a much-needed word to single women which is full of biblical truth and wisdom. His wealth of experience has given him the ability to write with understanding and conviction as he encourages young women to pursue Christ, patiently trust God’s plan, and depend on his grace while they wait on him. I highly recom­mend this book full of prudent warnings, poignant examples and godly counsel to single women.”  ~David and Sally Michael, Cofounder of Children Desiring God

“Dr. Reju has turned the topic of dating on its head with this insight­ful and thoughtful look at who not to marry. As a seasoned counselor and brother in Christ, he walks single Christian women through a methodical process of considering the dangers of settling. Using com­pelling case studies, Deepak carefully leads them to consider many biblical factors that are sometimes swept away as insignificant while encouraging smart women to be patient in waiting for God’s best.”  ~Mary K. Mohler, President’s Wife, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Director of Seminary Wives Institute

“With the wisdom that comes from hours and hours of counseling brokenhearted women, the biblical insight that springs from years in the Scriptures, and the compassion that flows out of the heart of a follower of Jesus, Deepak has written a sensitive and important book for women who want to be married and might be tempted to settle for someone . . . anyone . . . who will take away the loneliness. Sisters, if you’re considering who you should date (and ultimately marry), let me encourage you to read this book first and to take Deepak’s counsel to heart. He loves the Lord and his words are true.”  ~Elyse Fitzpatrick, Author of Counsel from the Cross: Connecting Broken People to the Love of Jesus

“As I read She’s Got the Wrong Guy, I kept thinking, ‘This book is like a modern-day book of Proverbs written by a father to his young adult daughter.’ Pastor Deepak Reju writes with compassionate gospel-cen­tered, proverbial wisdom relevantly applying God’s truth to the vital topic of singleness, dating, and marriage. This is the book that I’ll be recommending to single women.”  ~Bob Kellemen, Founder and CEO of RPM Ministries; author of Gospel-Centered Counseling: How to Care Like Christ 

She’s Got the Wrong Guy is a wonderful book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It is very God-honoring, practical, engaging, and convict­ing. I already know several women who could benefit from this book including my five granddaughters. As a biblical counselor to women, this book is an exceptional resource. I highly recommend it.”  ~Martha Peace, Author of The Excellent Wife and Biblical Counselor

“Deepak Reju’s She’s Got the Wrong Guy peeks into many kinds of marriage misery. He describes how and why many Christian women choose poorly. Wise single women will read and be grateful for his astute observations and ability to pinpoint why these wrong guys might seem right—and why smart Christian women should avoid them.”  ~Susan Olasky, Senior Writer, World Magazine

“Page by page of She’s Got the Wrong Guy is full of convincing and convicting truth. Shared through stories, women will find the content exceptionally relatable. The book precisely conveys what a mature view of relationship should look like and why it desperately matters. It is a book for singles and a book for those in relationship who want solid biblical guidance.”  ~Eliza Huie, Biblical Counselor at Life Counseling Center, Marriottsville, Maryland; author of Raising Teens in a Hyper-Sexualized World

“Deepak Reju has given us single women an engaging book full of relatable dating dilemmas and biblical wisdom for help. He identifies common warning signs that are not typically discussed in a Christian book on dating. Whether you’re having doubts about a relationship or need encouragement to prioritize God’s standards, read this book and share it with others.” ~Lilly Park, Counselor and Adjunct Professor

“This is a book that should have been written years ago. Gratefully, it’s here in time for our four daughters, and you can be sure we will be reading this biblically wise and practical treatment with all of them. Single men, too, might read it to discover the kind of man parents like us pray for daily.” ~Jonathan and Shannon Leeman, Editorial director for 9Marks

“Tired of waiting for the right man to come along? Weary of delaying ‘wedded bliss?’ Are you tempted to redefine love so you can accommodate a lesser man in an okay marriage? Don’t you dare. The cosmic stakes are too high and your life is too precious to settle for a second-best marriage. If you’re looking for the emotional strength to wait well on God’s man, my friend Deepak Reju has written the perfect guide in this remarkable book you hold in your hands. I give it a big double-thumbs up!”  ~Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni and Friends International Disability Center

“This book is important for women who are dating, but it also for their good friends who want to help, for men who don’t want to be the wrong guy, and for anyone who loves someone who will be dating. Your pastor will be Deepak. He will speak to you like a father as you carefully con­sider one of life’s most consequential decisions.” ~Ed and Sheri Welch, Counselor & Faculty Member CCEF; author

“There are very few books out there that deserve the ‘must-read’ status, and this is one of them. I want all of the single ladies in our church and our daughters to read this book. Deepak’s wise counsel is both urgent and timely. Applying the principles in this book will certainly spare a whole lot of people unnecessary pain and lead readers to a greater understanding of what it means to make Jesus the center of everything.” ~Gloria Furman, Author of Missional Motherhood and Alive in Him

“This now, is the book I’ll be recommending for single women who long for marriage. With tough but loving truth, Deepak disciples single women with pastoral care and brotherly protection in one of the best books I’ve read regarding dating and singleness. Every single man who desires to marry should read it too, as it’s a roadmap for transfor­mation into being a godly boyfriend and a Christ-like husband, or not.”  ~Ellen Mary Dykas, Women’s Ministry Director, Harvest USA; author/editor of Sexual Sanity for Women and Sex and the Single Girl