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Author: Lou Priolo


Knowing How to Respond

Do you feel trapped by coworkers, friends, and even loved ones who want to pressure you into doing things their way? How can you escape being the victim of their control over you? Is there a way to discern the causes of manipulative behavior in order to avoid its effects on you and yet still maintain a Christlike attitude?

Lou Priolo answers all of these tough questions and more in this practical booklet that will help you escape the trap of manipulation. By identifying its root causes and exposing the foolishness behind it, the author helps you recognize and identify any manipulative behavior you encounter. He invokes the example of Christ in dealing with such behavior and provides a four-step method of replacing your attitude with a godly attitude so that you will be ready to face manipulation wherever you find it.

The Resources for Biblical Living booklet series addresses a wide range of practical life issues in a straightforward, down-to-earth, and, most of all, biblical manner.

About the author:

Lou Priolo is the founder and president of Competent to Counsel International and is an instructor with Birmingham Theological Seminary. He has been a full-time biblical counselor since 1985 and is a fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Lou has been married to his wife, Kim, since 1987 and has two daughters, Sophia and Gabriella.


When I worked with Lou Priolo at the Atlanta Biblical Counseling Center, he taught me how to help counselees recognize manipulation and how to biblically respond. In this booklet, he tells his readers. I highly recommend this booklet to you; read it, study it, and complete the practical exercises at the end. You will not only learn how to honor God in your response but also how to help the manipulator to not "be wise in his own eyes.  ~Martha Peace, Author of The Excellent Wife and Damsels in Distress