Your Dating Relationship and Your Sexual Past

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Author: Ellen Mary Dykas


How Much to Share

You are in a serious, committed dating relationship, and you are thinking about marriage. Or perhaps you are already engaged and are eagerly counting down the weeks until your wedding. But there’s a weight in the back of your mind. You haven’t shared your sexual past.

Maybe you’re even hiding a current sexual addiction. But you’re also not sure if your boyfriend or girlfriend needs to know details of your sexual past or present. Won’t talking about it bring more harm than good? You wonder whether you need to share anything and, if yes, what you should share.

Ellen Dykas explains that in order to start marriage on a healthy and solid footing, couples need to build a foundation of trust, vulnerability, and openness so they can make wise decisions about a lifetime of commitment.

Weaving in the beauty and freedom of the grace of Jesus, Ellen gives principles that will guide readers in how to walk in honesty and transparency with each other and encourage them to rest in the forgiveness of the Lord for their past. 

About the author:

Ellen Mary Dykas, MA, is the Women's Ministry Coordinator at Harvest USA and oversees the gospel-centered teaching and discipleship of women struggling with relational, sexual, and betrayal issues. She has over twenty years of experience in teaching and mentoring others through the Bible and is the author of Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness and the minibooks Sex and the Single Girl and Living Together.

Harvest USA is a non-profit that has been ministering to individuals and families affected by sexual struggles since 1983. With over 100 years of combined direct ministry experience, Harvest USA staff also seek to equip the Church with their writing and teaching on biblical sexuality and how to help those who struggle sexually.